THE BOOK AND STUDY GUIDE AND THE WEEK 1 VIDEO For the =live= bible study are now posted!
watch and read these any time and/or come back to the bible study link at 10:30 sunday.
Gathered worship and other events in the church building will not be held until further notice. This began March 15th and will run at least through April 10th. (It is too early to know what will happen for Easter Sunday and beyond.)
Online worship options from FUPC — plus worship services from other congregations via streaming, radio, broadcast television and cable tv — are available. You also are encouraged to create worshipful opportunities in your household, each Sunday and other times during the week. (One suggested guide sheet is now on the NEWS page.)
Call 814-734-3511 or watch this page for future schedules, if you need help (spiritual or practical), or if you can offer help.
### Weekly update newsletter is on the NEWS page. (updated every Friday)
new posts, multiple times each week, UNTIL “normal” returns
# SUNDAYS: Worship (a video option) is on the VIDEOS page.
# SUNDAYS & WEDNESDAYS: Pastor Greg’s “Time With Younger Worshipers”. sEE VIDEOS page.
# thursdays: Touching base with teens. [TBT!] sEE VIDEOS page.
additional news, videos, activities and recommendations
from the local church, lake erie presbytery, governmental and health care
officials, and other sources we believe are reliable and might be
helpful to some of our friends and members and neighbors.
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We are in unique times, and we all will do our part to keep each other and our communities safer, and well cared for.
Like most other churches, and like many other organizations in much of the world, we will not be holding worship in our sanctuary for a while. It is responsible — and loving to our neighbors — to avoid crowds, limit events which bring multiple people together, and fight to reduce the threat of spreading this disease or of overwhelming the health care system.
When you diligently follow the current recommended guidelines, you are doing your part to keep yourself and your loved ones safe, to reduce risks for your neighbors, and to maintain that medical resources can be focused on those most in need, be that from Covid-related disease or other non-related conditions!
Edinboro First United Presbyterian will NOT have gathered worship in our sanctuary until further notice, starting March 15. We won’t be gathering for worship, but technically worship is not “canceled”; however, it will happen in a different way. You can scroll down (and check elsewhere on this website) to find alternate ways to worship using videos posted online. You also are encouraged to develop household worship patterns for yourself and your immediate family.
ALL other meetings and activities in the church building are put on hold, until further notice. We discourage people from being in the building until we get further guidance from health authorities that safety can be assured. (Only essential people, for absolutely essential functions, should come to the church building.) Please call in advance, rather than drop in, if you feel you absolutely need to stop by in person. Confirming a prior appointment is necessary!)
You may call the church office to ask questions, get information, or offer help. A brief update on schedules and news will be on that system, 814-734-3511, during hours the office is not staffed. Office hours will be limited or adjusted or not provided on many days. If you have an emergency or immediate need, please call the pastor or one of the elders or deacons directly. Voice mails will get replies, but there may be several days of delay if you leave a message on the main office number.
A “DIAL A PRAYER” styled message will be updated several times a week at a phone number to be determined. This is a prayer and devotional line, and NOT the best place to leave messages or request help.
A WEEKLY UPDATE will be mailed to our regular mailing list near the end of each week. The online version will be e-mailed to those for whom we have e-mail addresses. The Weekly Update (minus any confidential news which needs to be kept within this congregation) will also be posted on the NEWS tab at the top of this page.
CONGREGATIONAL CONNECTIONS will continue as best as possible, within the recommended health protocols. In addition to calls or contacts from the pastor and other church leaders, everyone in the church is urged to place calls to several others each week, just to check in. Check your mail or e-mail for further details.
To meet the spiritual and informational needs of our neighbors, friends and church members, we will encourage alternate forms of worship, prayer and connections. Please check this website and for information, videos and helpful ideas:
SUNDAY WORSHIP will be available in a series of videos each weekend. To facilitate easier watching and downloading, the presentation is split into multiple videos, which you can watch one at a time or in sequence.
A TIME WITH YOUNGER WORSHIPERS is a video message for children, offering reassurance, a story or activity idea, and a prayer. We expect a new video will be posted each Wednesday and Sunday.
TEEN & PRETEEN VIDEO will be posted each Thursday, to encourage and support our middle school and high school students (and any post-high school and any other adults who also are invited to eavesdrop).
Check the VIDEOS tab above for these videos, and feel free to recommend them to others. We are also working to develop methods to benefit people without access to the internet or similar technology.
News, updates, resources recommended by others, and Greg Gillispie’s pastoral letters are posted under the NEWS tab above. Please note the date on each item, and be aware that newer information may make a document or two out-of-date as time passes. As you read through what this church posts — and read, listen to or watch other information in the public media and online — be careful to only focus on news from reliable and authoritative sources. It’s hard enough to deal with what is really happening, without getting overwhelmed by inaccurate, biased or over-hyped information. Our pastor also urges people to turn off or turn down the blaring media. You need an update or two per day, not hours and hours of excessive coverage.
As we can help you in appropriate ways, we welcome that privilege. Connect with us, and know that the people of Edinboro First are praying for your health, your livelihood, and your peace of mind.